25 May 2022
2nd Lisbon DAO Legal Structure Workshop


Professor Doutor António Menezes Cordeiro 

Professora Doutora Madalena Perestrelo de Oliveira

Dr. António Garcia Rolo
Dr. João Vieira dos Santos




The CIDP’s Research Project “Crafting Legal Responses to Blockchain-Based Decentralised Business Arrangements and Organisations” is embarking on a path to find answers to the questions regarding the legal challenges and the current legal state of decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs) and similar arrangements in order to help shape future legislative action.

Join us on the 25th of May as we host legal scholars and practitioners explaining: (i) how most DAOs would be qualified under major European jurisdictions (Portugal, Germany, France and the UK); and (ii) how they are already being dealt with in more forward-looking jurisdictions, such as Malta, Wyoming, Vermont and the Marshall Islands, with the latter three jurisdictions having explicitly recognised DAOs in their corporate law.


25 MAY - 2022 14h00 (GMT / LISBON TIME)



In person with prior registration - (subject to room capacity - 100 seats):
(a certificate of attendance will be issued to participants who attend in person) 


Through webinar zoom on: 




For further information: inscricoes@cidp.pt 



Opening - António Garcia Rolo - "II Lisbon DAO Legal Structure Workshop"




Ana Nunes Teixeira - "II Lisbon DAO Legal Structure Workshop"




Sophia Schwemmer - "II Lisbon DAO Legal Structure Workshop"




Stéphane Blemus - "II Lisbon DAO Legal Structure Workshop"




Michael Schillig - "II Lisbon DAO Legal Structure Workshop"




Max Ganado - "II Lisbon DAO Legal Structure Workshop"




Jacob Beckett - "II Lisbon DAO Legal Structure Workshop"




Oliver Goodenough - "II Lisbon DAO Legal Structure Workshop"




Adam Miller - "II Lisbon DAO Legal Structure Workshop"




Final Debate - "II Lisbon DAO Legal Structure Workshop"